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About kerjaIn

kerjaIn is an application to find onsite jobs such as barista, waiter, cashier, etc, especially for part-time jobs. Our target users are college students who want to take part-time jobs while studying but don't have previous work experience, anyone who wants to find part-time/ full-time work onsite, and business owners who are looking for employees for their businesses.

Team member:

  1. Natasya Febryani (UI/UX Designer)
  2. Sarwah Syakirah (UI/UX Designer)

This project was entered into a competition held by UNITY#9 Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta and our project was selected to be the top 10 finalists out of 50+ teams participated.


This project started because there was a member of our group when he enters college, he wanted to find a part-time job to seek additional income and fill his spare time while studying. However, when he wanted to find information about the part-time jobs in his area, he had difficulty finding a shop/ restaurant/ cafe that needed employees. Then he decided to look for job vacancies through an application. But, almost all of the part-time job postings in the application require the applicant to have previous work experience, but currently, he doesn't have work experience. And also, the list of jobs in the application is mostly from companies and there are no job vacancies from shops/ restaurants/ cafes.

From these problems, we finally decided to create an application that provides information specifically about the onsite jobs, such as barista, cashier, waiter, and other jobs that must be done onsite and do not require previous work experience before.

The goal

Our goal from these projects by providing an application that can be used by other people to find information easily about the onsite jobs & help business owners, such as shops/ restaurants/ cafes/ others, find the best candidate employees for their business.

Role & Responsibilities