About The Project

Website Redesign Challenge 2021 is a competition held by Indigo Telkom Indonesia with the benefit of 4 weeks mentoring with the real use cases. Ctscope is a startup assisted by Telkom in the health sector that is committed to connecting patients with health service providers through digital platform services.

Ctscope is a company engaged in health information technology that is committed to acting as a liaison between patients and health care providers through digital platform services. Coming with a mission to present technology that acts as a platform for managing and exchanging health information, ctscope uses technology that allows interoperability of patient data to be carried out effectively and safely, without compromising the safety and privacy of patient data.

We work as a team with Aulia Nadila as a UX Designer and Julyo as a UI Designer. Our team was selected as the Best Team for this competition.


Role and Responsibilities

Aulia Nadila

As the UX Designer, my main responsibilities are:


As the UI Designer, my main responsibilities are:

The Problem

Ctscope wants to improve the website because they feel that the appearance of the current website still does not explain ctscope, has not introduced the products owned by ctScope, and the current appearance is also less attractive to people to use ctscope products.

From these pain points, we validate the user to find out whether the user feels the same way or not. To make this validation, the first step we took was an In-Depth Interview with 4 users consisting of 2 Doctors and 2 Investors.

The observations we made about the state of the website that had not been redesigned were like this:

Before Redesign Frame-min.svg

<aside> 💟 The purpose of redesigning the current ctScope website is to make it look more attractive and highlight the information that ctScope wants to explain so that people become more confident if they want to use ctScope products.


Create Research Plan

Before we conduct the In-Depth Interview, we conceptualize research objectives to determine the purpose of conducting research, and we create research questions that will later be asked to the user. For more details on the Research process, see the Research Plan in more detail.

The research method that we do is by:

We interviewed 4 users, the two are from Investor and the others are Clinic Owner. Here are some of the interview documentation with the users.



Here we ask about the pain points and problems experienced by the user and other questions such as user needs, gains, and behavior.

Gathering Insights

The insights and data that we got from the interview and testing, we grouped data using an affinity diagram based on insight into similar themes.