Tracco Overview

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Tracco helps you reduce your carbon emission through your transportation by calculating the emission and giving recommendations to other transportation modes that are far more efficient in terms of carbon emission and cost.

We launched our first landing page made with **Typedream in** October 2022, check it below๐Ÿ‘‡


My role & responsibility

In this project I worked as a Product Designer, some of my responsibility:

Identifying Problem

We want to solve the Carbon Footprint problem



Have you ever heard about carbon footprint? Carbon footprint in simple words means the amount of carbon dioxide emissions associated with all a person's activities.

As you can see in the image on the side, the scope of the carbon footprint is very wide, even everyday activities that we do like using electricity & consume water also produce a carbon footprint.

The most significant contributor to the Carbon Footprint in Indonesia comes from the Energy sector & one of them is Transportation ๐Ÿš˜